"Mantras" are a key mechanism by which one employs Yl'Ankharaal in the Shine. The following is a short mantra known as the Vyld Infection Mantra. In Nytlu Khal: Nyurin suvag, Myurin sulag, Arys neel, Sharkh rypt, Nyurin sugav, Myurin sulag, Arys drahl, Glylt sarn. Interpreted into English: The lake drains The river breaks The body bare The wound takes The lake drains The river breaks The body rots The mind wakes When designing Shine Amysgal's universal language, I drew inspiration from Classical Mongolian script, Classical Chinese grammar and Elder Futhark runes. It was much easier to create a phonetic language than a pictographic one (such as Chinese), so I decided to start with Mongolian words and alter them while sprinkling in the occasional Latin roots, suffixes and prefixes. When it came to grammar, I simply couldn't resist imitating Classical Chinese. Finally, in order to give the language a feeling of dark fantasy, it seemed right to go with Elder Futhark runes as the defining visual look to the language. Nytlu Khal is read top-to-bottom, left-to-right. Aside from having no "P' in the language, Nytlu Khal also has a number of other grammatical rules that fall outside of Classical Chinese such as particle-like suffixes and the total omission of conjunctions. If there's enough interest later on, I'll be happy to produce an entire book on the language. Currently, however, it remains merely an enjoyable bit of spice that I took great pleasure in adding to the narrative. - Luke Joslin
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AuthorHailing from Seattle, Magnus Blackwood is a metalhead, amateur strongman, cape/cloak advocate and microbiologist who's been writing sci-fi since 2013. His stories focus on weaving horror and occult elements into futuristic hellscapes with a magical twist. Archives
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